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BitePRO® Arm Guards Can Protect Mental Health Care Workers and Special Needs Teachers from Human Bit

The risk of suffering from a human bite is an undeniable part of workplace reality of professionals working within schools specialised in severe learning disabilities, challenging behaviour, special needs or autism, as well as care workers within mental health care facilities and psychiatric hospitals.

According to Robert Kaiser, CEO of PPSS Group, BitePRO® Arm Guards can effectively help protect these professionals from physical injury, risk of infection and soft tissue damage.

“Our customers and friends from around the world have made clear to us that human bites are relatively frequent in their work environment, and many seek effective protection from the subsequent injuries”, Robert Kaiser states.

“Bite injuries can of course become infected and mental health care professionals could subsequently be contaminated with pathogens. Transmissions of potentially life threatening viruses, such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV are also a part of reality”, he continues.

David Hopper, BitePRO Arm Guards Expert at PPSS Group was once bitten himself when serving as Prison Officer and fully understands the psychological distress following such incident, awaiting potentially life changing blood test results: “Looking at the potential and realistic consequences, we must look at all possible options in order to help protect health care professionals from such harm”, he states.

He is convinced when saying: “There is no question in my mind, BitePRO® Arm Guards can effectively help protect these professionals and reduce the risk of workplace violence related injuries. They are, without question, a very effective approach to improve the individual’s personal safety and reduce the danger of severe injuries and infections”.

This type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has recently been issued to a number of mental health care professionals and specialised care workers and teachers in countries around the world.

A padded (impact absorbing) version of their ever so popular Version 1 arm guard model is also available, effectively reducing the severity of bruising.

BitePRO® Arm Guards are the global market leader due to its exceptional quality and durability.

Certain BitePRO® Arm Guards models are also available in red, blue and light grey colour. Standard colour is black.

Products can be shipped from the UK, Canada or U.S. office.

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